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Brazilian Straight Bundle Deal
  • Brazilian Straight Bundle Deal

    • Care Instructions

      Care Tips For Your Exquisite Hair:
      1.Wash the hair in accordance with  your habbit of washing your own hair, commonly at an interval between 4 to 5 days. Wash the wig once every two weeks or once a month.
      2. Soak the hair into warm water, knead it with mild shampoo, get rid of the dirt, rinse and use hair conditioner.
      3. After washing, absorb moisture with a dry towel, leave to dry without using the hair dryer. Hang the wig up on the wig stand and put it in a ventilated place. Do not lay the hair under the blazing sun.
      4. Comb the hair after it’s completely dry.
      5. After long-term use, the hair will lose its original style. You had better use new hair.
      6.We basically do not use a comb but our hands to comb through curly hair.
      7.When the hair knots, do not pull or tear it. Spray dedicated non-oily fluid maintenance onto the wig and comb the hair carefully.
      8.Long hair should be combed from the end to the root, gently and patiently.
      9.It’s a normal phenomenon that there is a small amount of hair loss when wearing the wigs.

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